Checkout 3.0

Prior to production, some integration tests should be performed towards the Avarda stage environment Test customers below: SE, FI, NO and DK

Checklist what has to be tested:
Perform one invoice purchase
Perform one card payment
Verify that information from getPaymentStatus is stored on the order and shown on the order confirmation
Verify callback is handled correctly
Verify custom CSS

Test customers


SSNFirst NameLast NameAddressZipCodeCity
197901121181GunbrittBodénBorgmästarplan 380266Gävle
196504192383Julie-AnnAndersenStationsgatan 4230245Halmstad
197111114760BodilKungsgäddaSkarpskyttegatan 872338Västerås
199510075055FilipWalldénLindholmspiren 441756Göteborg


SSNFirst NameLast NameAddressZipCodeCityStrong Auth supported
080286-073ATonyUusipaikkaSkölvägen 4369600KaustinenNo
160485-006NLeilaMerikantoIlmalankuja 5629100LuviaNo
241037-380BHannaKoivuniemiOijärventie 9995430TornioNo
120454-5322IinesLeskinenRörgrunsvägen 5065230VaasaNo
030883-925M (Signicat)RolfTestimiesTestaajanpolku 1700200HelsinkiYes*

*Select Nordea in Signicat strong authentication prompt and enter "DEMOUSER3" as username.


SSNFirst NameLast NameAddressZipCodeCity
17068418747MichaelBergKneiken 702316Hamar
04017239215MadelenBakkeVestliveien 1804326Sandnes


SSNFirst NameLast NameAddressZipCodeCity
1501812249FelixThorsenMøllevangen 454190Munke Bjergby
2202923650FrejaLauridsenHersnapvej 431092København K

Test cards


Card numberExpiry dateCVCResult
4242424242424242Any future dateAny 3 digitsOK


In order to complete a payment flow in the sandbox environment, a test version of the MobilePay app is available. This version of the MobilePay app is similar to the live version, but only supports payments in the sandbox environment.

Please note; The information and app below are valid for both Denmark and Finland payments. You do not need to install a different app for Finland, just specify the correct phone number (and country code) in the checkout.

Phone number for MobilePay testing: +45 93 28 39 74


iOS MobilePay Sandbox app is available through Apple TestFlight. Therefore, Apple TestFlight must be installed on the device. Using the below link on a mobile device will initiate the download of and registration to TestFlight. No prior registration or invitation is needed. MobilePay Vendor (opens in a new tab)


To install, you will have to allow installation from “unknown sources”. MobilePay Vendor (opens in a new tab)

Log on to test the app

  1. Install and open the MobilePay Vendor app
  2. Select “Log på (Eksisterende bruger)” / “Log on (existing user)”
  3. Enter a valid Sandbox phone number; +45 93 28 39 74
  4. Enter SSN (Only relevant on a fresh install)

CPR no.: 000000-0000

  1. Enter PIN: “1234”
  2. Enter activation code: “123456” and press “OK”

Read more: (opens in a new tab)


Phone number for Vipps testing: 45865960


The iOS test app is available in Apple TestFlight. You do not need an invitation or an activation code.

  1. Open the TestFlight (opens in a new tab) link on your iOS phone (it will not work on macOS)
  2. Install the “Vipps MT” app
  3. Open the “Vipps MT” app
  4. Enter the test phone number; 45865960
  5. On the “Verify your number” screen: Use PIN 1236.
  6. On the “Enter your code” screen: Use PIN 1236.
  7. Enable FaceID (or TouchID) and confirm with PIN 1236.
  8. Accept push notifications.

You are now ready to use the iOS test app connected to the Vipps test environment.


The Android test app is available in App Center. You do not need an invitation or an activation code.

  1. Open the App Center (opens in a new tab) link on your Android phone (it will not work on a PC/Mac). If you get a push message prompting to whitelist the source, you should be able to do this via the “Settings” button.
  2. Install the “Vipps Android” app
  3. Open the “Vipps Android” app
  4. Enter the test phone number; 45865960
  5. On the “Verify your number” screen: Use PIN 1236.
  6. On the “Enter your code” screen: Use PIN 1236.
  7. Enable touch id and confirm with PIN 1236.
  8. Accept push notifications.

You are now ready to use the Android test app connected to the Vipps test environment.


  • Do not use the test phone number in the production environment, as the test number may be a real phone number for a real Vipps user.

Read more: (opens in a new tab)