Ratepay Payment Method Integration
Our Checkout 3 application now supports the Ratepay payment methods. Learn more about Ratepay (opens in a new tab).
To ensure a seamless functionality of these payment methods in Checkout 3 module on your site, please review the following requirements:
- Secure HTTPS Certificate: For optimal security, we recommend using an HTTPS certificate.
- Content Security Policy (CSP): If you have a Content Security Policy implemented on your site, ensure that you add the following domains to your CSP rules:
:'self' https://d.ratepay.com https://*.avarda.com;
:'self' https://d.ratepay.com;
This is in addition to any existing Avarda CSP rules you may have. More information about CSP can be found in MDN documentation (opens in a new tab).
Example CSP Header Configuration
An example of your CSP headers setup on your website could look like this:
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self' https://d.ratepay.com https://*.avarda.com; style-src 'self' https://d.ratepay.com;