Checkout 3.0
API types

Checkout 3 API Types

Customer Address

FirstNamestring0-40 length
LastNamestring0-40 length
Address1string0-100 length
Address2string0-100 length
Zipstring5 length
Citystring0-30 length
CountrystringMandatory if Branch setup contains ShowCountryInCheckoutForm set on true
CareOfAddressboolTrue if address is ‘C/O’ type. Otherwise false
DoorCodestring0-30 length

Company Address

Namestring0-40 length
Address1string0-100 length
Address2string0-100 length
Zipstring5 length
Citystring0-30 length
CountrystringMandatory if Branch setup contains ShowCountryInCheckoutForm set on true
CareOfAddressboolTrue if address is ‘C/O’ type. Otherwise false
DoorCodestring0-30 length

Delivery Address

TypeDeliveryAddressTypeType of address (Private/Company)
ViewTypeDeliveryAddressViewTypeState of address
FirstNamestring0-40 length
LastNamestring0-40 length
Address1string0-100 length
Address2string0-100 length
Zipstring5 length
Citystring0-30 length
CountrystringMandatory if Branch setup contains ShowCountryInCheckoutForm set on true
CareOfAddressboolTrue if address is ‘C/O’ type. Otherwise false
DoorCodestring0-30 length

Delivery Address Type

Default"Default"Delivery address type can not be changed. The Private type is used as default
Private"Private"Delivery address type is set on Private
Company"Company"Delivery address type is set on Company

Delivery Address View Type

Unchecked"Unchecked"Delivery address is not specified.
InvalidEditable"InvalidEditable"Delivery address is in editable state
ValidPreview"ValidPreview"Delivery address is specified and valid

Purchase Mode Type

B2C"B2C"The purchase is made on end-customer’s own name.
B2B"B2B"The purchase is made on behalf of an organization.

Check-box state Type

Hidden"Hidden"Check-box input is hidden
Unchecked"Unchecked"Check-box input is unchecked
Checked"Checked"Check-box input is checked


For language, you can either use enum value or string value.

NameValueString ValueDescription
English0"English"English language
Swedish1"Swedish"Swedish language
Finnish2"Finnish"Finnish language
Norwegian3"Norwegian"Norwegian language
Estonian4"Estonian"Estonian language
Danish5"Danish"Danish language
Czech6"Czech"Czech language
Latvian7"Latvian"Latvian language
Slovak9"Slovak"Slovak language
Polish10"Polish"Polish language

Payment Method Type



PropertyData typeDescription
DescriptionstringItem name / 0-35 length
NotesstringItem notes / 0-35 length
AmountstringPrice of the product inclusive of tax
TaxCodestringTax code
TaxAmountstringTax amount
QuantitydecimalQuantity of the same product. If quantity is used, the amount and taxAmount parameter should be defined for a single item.

Checkout Setup

PropertyData typeDescription
SelectedPaymentMethodTypePaymentMethodTypePreselected payment method. (Setup is not applicable for the Sweden market)
RecurringPaymentsCheckBoxStateTypeList of item objects . Can be set only when Checkout site definition have allowed Recurring payments
EmailInvoiceCheckBoxStateTypeSetup of recurring send invoice by email check-box. Can be set only when Checkout site definition have allowed Email invoice
LanguageLanguageIn which language to display the checkout form.
ModePurchaseModeB2C or B2B. Default is B2C
CompletedNotificationUrlstringCallback URL called after complete payment
DisplayItemsboolParameters that tells whether the item list should be displayed inside the checkout form. If true, checkout will contains view with purchase list of items.
smsNewsletterSubscriptionTextstringCustom SMS newsletter subscription text visible when completing payment. This setup will replace default text.
emailNewsletterSubscriptionTextstringCustom Email newsletter subscription text visible when completing payment. This setup will replace default text.
SmsNewsletterSubscriptionCheckBoxStateTypeWhether to offer a SMS newsletter subscription and whether it should be selected by default.
EmailNewsletterSubscriptionCheckBoxStateTypeWhether to offer a Email newsletter subscription and whether it should be selected by default.
DifferentDeliveryAddressCheckBoxStateTypeDelivery address check-box setup. Checked can be only with valid delivery address
TermsAndConditionsUrlstringCustom T&C link. This setup replace set T&C link from Partner onboarding application
IntegrityConditionsUrlstringCustom integrity link. This setup replace set T&C link from Partner onboarding application
EnableB2BLinkboolEnable or disable b2b link visibility
EnableCountrySelectorboolEnable or disable country selector
ShowThankYouPageboolParameter to show or hide thank you page
skipEmailZipEntryboolEnables skipping the initial EmailZipEntry step in the Checkout process, allowing clients to proceed directly to entering their personal information.

B2C Info

PropertyData typeDescription
CustomerTokenstringCustomer’s token
InvoicingAddressAddressCustomerCustomer’s invoicing address
DeliveryAddressDeliveryAddressCustomer’s delivery address
UserInputsB2CUserInputsUser inputs

B2B Info

PropertyData typeDescription
InvoicingAddressAddressCompanyCompany’s invoicing address
DeliveryAddressDeliveryAddressCompany’s delivery address
UserInputsB2BUserInputsUser inputs

B2C User Inputs

PropertyData typeDescription
PhonestringCustomer’s phone number passed by a partner’s application.
EmailstringCustomer’s e-mail address passed by a partner’s application.

B2B User Inputs

PropertyData typeDescription
PhonestringCustomer’s phone number passed by a partner’s application.
EmailstringCustomer’s e-mail address passed by a partner’s application.
ReferencestringCustom customer’s reference for payment identifying

Extra Identifiers

PropertyData typeDescription
OrderReferencestringMerchant custom ID reference
LoyaltyNumberstringCan be a number of a customer’s membership card.
ProductGroupstringDefined the product category.
AttachmentstringRandom merchant’s data (some kind of serialized JSON for example)
DescriptionstringAn optional description provided by partner. May be multi-line and may contain whatever the partner wants.
ReferenceNamestringMerchant custom value Reference name
PosIdstringMerchant custom PosId

Partner’s purchase identifiers

NameData typeDescription
DescriptionstringAn optional description provided by partner. May be multi-line and may contain whatever the partner want
OrderReferencestringMerchant custom ID reference
LoyaltyNumberstringCan be a number of a customer’s membership card.
ProductGroupstringJust a string that defines the product category. Allow anything for now. Will be defined later.
AttachmentstringRandom merchant’s data (some kind of serialized JSON for example)
ReferenceNamestringMerchant custom value Reference name

Checkout site information

NameData typeDescription
SiteCodestringCode of the site in which the purchase has been made.
CountryCodestringThe three-letters country code of the site.
CurrencyCodestringThe three-letter code of the currency in which the purchase has been made.

B2C State

NameData typeDescription
StepGetPaymentB2CFormStepDescription of current step in checkout flow
UserInputsGetPaymentB2CUserInputsInformation provided by customer in checkout form
InvoicingAddressAddressCustomerInvoicing address
DeliveryAddressDeliveryAddressDelivery address

B2C Step

NameData typeDescription
CustomerTokenstringCustomer token
CurrentB2CStepTypeLatest purchase state type
RememberMeCheckBoxStateTypeCheckbox state of remember me
SmsNewsletterSubscriptionCheckBoxStateTypeCheckbox state of sms newsletter subscription
EmailNewsletterSubscriptionCheckBoxStateTypeCheckbox state of email newsletter subscription

Card State

NameData typeDescription
MaskedCardNumberstringIf card payment method was selected, Masked card number used card
CardBrandstringIf card payment method was selected, brand of used card
CardExpirationDatestringIf card payment method was selected, expiration date of used card

B2C User Inputs

NameData typeDescription
EmailstringCustomer’s e-mail address passed by a partner’s application.
ZipstringCustomer’s zip code passed by a partner’s application.
SsnstringCustomer’s social security number
PhonestringCustomer’s phone number passed by a partner’s application.

B2B State

NameData typeDescription
StepGetPaymentB2BFormStepDescription of current step in checkout flow
UserInputsGetPaymentB2BUserInputsInformation provided by customer in checkout form
CustomerInfoGetPaymentB2BCustomerInfoInformation about referer of B2B payment
InvoicingAddressAddressCompanyInvoicing address
DeliveryAddressDeliveryAddressDelivery address

B2B Step

NameData typeDescription
StepGetPaymentB2BFormStepDescription of current step in checkout flow
UserInputsGetPaymentB2BUserInputsInformation provided by customer in checkout form
CustomerInfoGetPaymentB2BCustomerInfoInformation about referer of B2B payment
InvoicingAddressAddressCompanyInvoicing address
DeliveryAddressDeliveryAddressDelivery address

B2B User inputs

NameData typeDescription
EmailstringCustomer’s e-mail address passed by a partner’s application.
ZipstringCustomer’s zip code passed by a partner’s application.
CompanySsnstringCompany social security number
CustomerSsnstringReferrer’s social security number
PhonestringCustomer’s phone number passed by a partner’s application.

B2B Customer Info

NameData typeDescription
FirstNamestringReferrer’s First name.
LastNamestringReferrer’s Last name.

Authentication Type

None“None”No third party verification
BankId“BankId”Verification pass via BankId
Tupas“Tupas”Verification pass via Tupas

Form Payments

SelectedPaymentGetPaymentPaymentMethodInformation about selected Payment method

Payment Method

TypePaymentMethodTypeType of Payment method
RecurringPaymentCheckBoxStateTypeState of recurring payment check-box
RecurringPaymentTokenstringGenerated recurring payment token