Base URLs
Test environment: (opens in a new tab)
Production environment: (opens in a new tab)
To be able to use this API you need credentials (clientId and clientSecret) provided by Avarda. These are the same credentials as you use for Checkout 3.0. If you do not have access to those credentials, please contact us.
“Partner access token” is used as authentication for all further communication with the My Pages API. The token should be sent as a Bearer Token in the header request to authenticate. You can read more about the Partner Access Token here.
Logs into MyPages
When the user logs in to merchants “my pages”, the merchant calls Avarda API using appropriate credentials Avarda API provides merchant with a list of invoices or accounts, or details on a specific one. The information is then presented to the user in their preffered way.
Strong Auth
If user consent is required, the merchant redirects user to strong authentication through Avarda API before the information can be displayed.
The Initialization process is triggered if the user navigates to the checkout on an unpaid invoice/account. Merchant initializes checkout session by calling Avarda API, using appropriate credentials
Obtain Payment Info
Merchants website loads a checkout form for the session initialized in the previous step. The user chooses whether to pay full amount, minimum amout or custom amount.
Finilize Payment
When the user hits the “complete payment ” button a request is sent to Avarda API. Merchant is notified by Avarda API about the successful completion of the payment and the user can be redirected to a confirmation page.