Standalone Credit
POST /CheckOut2Api/GetPaymentStatus

Returns information about a single purchase identified by a Purchase ID.

Input Parameters

NameData TypeDefault valueDescription
PurchaseIdStringNone. Must be specifiedThe ID obtained during the negotiation phase that identified the purchase.

Example request

  "PurchaseId": "19ac0d1ee909c302d212b4324d9194b5"

Output parameters

The method returns an object that differs if the purchase was loan, invoice, direct payment or card payment.

NameData TypeDescriptionInvoiceLoanCard paymentDirect payment
AccountNumberStringThe bank account number associated with the payment.Check markCheck mark
InvoicingFirstNameStringThe first name of the customer on the invoicing address.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
InvoicingLastNameStringThe last name of the customer on the invoicing address.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
InvoicingAddressLine1StringThe first line of the invoicing address.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
InvoicingAddressLine2StringThe second line of the invoicing address.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
InvoicingZipStringThe ZIP code on the invoicing address.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
InvoicingCityStringThe city on the invoicing address.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
AccountClassCodeStringCode of account class for this purchase.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
PurchaseIdStringThe same Purchase ID that was passed as an input parameter.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
StateEnumeration CheckOutPurchaseStateThe current state of the purchase.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
DescriptionStringThe description provided by partner’s site.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
PriceDecimalThe total amount to pay.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
CreatedDateTimeThe local date and time at which the purchase has been negotiated.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
BeingProcessedNullable DateTimeThe local date and time at which the form was first rendered. Null if the form hasn’t been shown yet.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
CompletedNullable DateTimeThe local date and time at which the purchase has been completed. Null if the purchase hasn’t been completed yet.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
CancelledNullable DateTimeThe local date and time at which the purchase has been canceled. Null it the purchase hasn’t been cancelled (yet).Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
SiteCodeStringThe code of the partner’s site at which the purchase has been made.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
CountryCodeStringA three-letter ISO country code (see (opens in a new tab)) associated with the partner’s site at which the purchase has been made.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
CurrencyCodeStringThe three-letter code of the currency in which the purchase has been made. For Example “SEK” or EURCheck markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
PhoneStringThe phone number that the customer typed-in into the form.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
MailStringThe e-mail address that the customer typed-in into the form.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
DeliveryFirstNameStringThe first name of the customer on the delivery address.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
DeliveryLastNameStringThe last name of the customer on the delivery address.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
DeliveryAddressLine1StringThe first line of the delivery address.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
DeliveryAddressLine2StringThe second line of the delivery address.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
DeliveryCityStringThe city of the delivery address.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
DeliveryCountryStringThe country of the delivery address.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
OrderReferenceStringMerchant custom ID reference.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
AuthenticationTypeEnumeration CheckOutAuthenticationTypeType of authentication for this purchase.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
PaymentMethodEnumeration PaymentMethodType of payment.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
IsRecurringPaymentBooleanDiffers if payment is recurring.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
RecPmtTokenStringRecurring payment token.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
CardExpirationDateStringCard expiration date stored in this format “YYMM”.Check mark
MaskedCardNumberStringMasked card number for security purpose.Check mark
CardBrandStringBrand cards.Check mark
CustomerTokenStringRemember me token. Can be used to auto load customer for next purchase if logged in.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
IsOrganizationBooleanDifferantiate B2B and B2C.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
ReferenceNameStringReference name for better handling.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
CompanyNameStringName of the company.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
NewsLetterValueBooleanIf the value is true, newsletter is checked.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
OfferedNewsLetterSettingsBooleanServes for displaying the newsletter.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
NewsLetterSMSValueBooleanIf the value is true, newsletterSMS is checked.
OfferedNewsLetterSMSSettingsBooleanServes for displaying the newsletter.
OrganizationNumberStringReturns organization number if there is any value.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
CustomerTypeEnumIf CustomerType = null or 0 load both options for Private/Company.
If CustomerType = 1 load only Private alternative.
If CustomerType = 2 load only Company alternative.
Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
AttachmentStringThe last attached custom data if any; otherwise, null.Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
CustomerBalanceDecimalCurrent balance for order delivery. Amount up to this value is accepted for new purchase orders. Amount includes eventual tolerance and previous part deliveries.

Return Value

  "AccountNumber": "191234567890",
  "InvoicingFirstName": "FirstName",
  "InvoicingLastName": "LastName",
  "InvoicingAddressLine1": "Invoicing address line",
  "InvoicingAddressLine2": null,
  "InvoicingZip": "60359",
  "InvoicingCity": "City",
  "AccountClassCode": "7",
  "PurchaseId": "19ac0d1ee909c302d212b4324d9194b5",
  "State": 2,
  "Description": "Blue ball",
  "Price": 111.11,
  "Created": "2017-04-12T14:19:31.19",
  "BeingProcessed": "2017-04-12T14:19:34.007",
  "Completed": "2017-04-12T14:19:58.117",
  "Cancelled": null,
  "SiteCode": "TestSweden1",
  "CountryCode": "SWE",
  "CurrencyCode": "SEK",
  "Phone": "074594175",
  "Mail": "email@email.em",
  "DeliveryFirstName": null,
  "DeliveryLastName": null,
  "DeliveryAddressLine1": null,
  "DeliveryAddressLine2": null,
  "DeliveryZip": null,
  "DeliveryCity": null,
  "DeliveryCountry": null,
  "OrderReference": "45612",
  "AuthenticationType": 0,
  "PaymentMethod": 2,
  "IsRecurringPayment": false,
  "RecPmtToken": "49872728d3bef6fe3203c7678b4ecc56",
  "CardExpirationDate": null,
  "MaskedCardNumber": null,
  "CardBrand": null,
  "IsOrganization": true,
  "ReferenceName": "string",
  "CompanyName": "string",
  "NewsLetterValue": true,
  "OfferedNewsLetterSettings": true,
  "NewsLetterSMSValue": true,
  "CustomerBalance": 150.11,
  "OfferedNewsLetterSMSSettings": true

Enumeration States

The enumeration describes the state of a single Purchase. Please refer to the diagram in Purchase States chapter to see possible transitions between states.

New0The partner site just negotiated a session but the Check-Out form hasn’t been shown in a browser yet.
BeingProcessed1The customer is going through the Check-Out wizard.
Completed2The Check-Out has been successfully completed.
Error3The Check-Out session has been canceled either by the user or due to an error.
WaitingForSignicat4A redirect to Signicat website has been made and the customer hasn’t get redirected back to the original page yet. It purchases gets stuck it this state, a possible cause is that the page of the partner site that hosts the Check-Out form doesn’t handle redirects correctly.
SessionTimedOut5The session timed out or wasn’t even created for a long time after the purchase has been initialized.
WaitingForCardPayments6A redirect to card payment provider has been made and the customer hasn’t been redirected back to the original page yet. Same as with WaitingForSignicat state, if purchases gets stuck in this state, the host page might not be able to render itself repeatedly.
WaitingForBankId7Waiting for response from BankId application.
Cancelled8When merchant calls CancelPayment method and order is canceled.
WaitingForFinnishDirectPayment9The customer has been redirected to a Finnish bank for a direct payment.
WaitingCreditApproval10Waiting for Credit approval from merchant.
CreditNotApproved11If credit isn´t approved by merchant, purchase is in this state.
WaitingForSwishPayment12Waiting for response from Swish application.
PaymentHandledByMerchant13The customer has started External payment method.
ElectronicIdValidationRequired14Waiting for end user strong authentication.