POST /CheckOut2Api/AuthorizePartPaymentEID
The method authorize a loan based on provided parameters and returns purchaseid. If Electronic ID validation is required the function will respond only with purchaseid and a flag that electronicID validation is required.
- Call AuthorizePartPaymentEID
- Check response – if no electronic ID validation is required then response message contains everything to complete the order.
- Check response – if electronic ID validation is required then response contains only purchaseid and IsElectronicValidationNeeded = true. Merchant now needs to redirect the user to a predefined URL where Avarda offer ElectronicID validation. URL:
- After electronicID validation is performed then Avarda redirect back to defined returnURL. Example:
- Merchant checks status on the purchase via GetPaymentStatus. If ok then fulfill the order
To start the partpayment / Loan and debit the end customer an extra call to PurchaseOrder is required when goods are delivered.
Input Parameters
Name | Data Type | Default Value | Description |
IdentificationNumber | String | An empty string | Social security number of the customer |
IsB2B | Boolean | FALSE | Switching between Business to Customer and Busines to business |
ReferenceName | String | An empty string | |
ReferenceId | String | An empty string | |
UserLanguageCode | String | en-US | The culture to use in check-out form. Affects both language and value formatting. Supported values: - en-US : English - sv-SE : Swedish - fi-FI : Finnish |
Description | String (max. 4000 characters) | An empty string | A textual description of the purchase without any specific format that the partner may provide. |
Price | Decimal | None. Must be specified | The total amount to pay. Must be greater than 0. |
Phone | String (max. 15 characters not counting white spaces, so technically any length) | An empty string | Customer’s phone number to pre-fill in the form. |
String (max. 60 characters) | An empty string | Customer’s e-mail address to pre-fill in the form. | |
IsPhoneAndMailEditable | Boolean | true | Whether to allow the user to edit the Phone and Mail fields. |
InvoicingFirstName | String (max. 40 characters) | An empty string | Customer’s first name. This is used also as a first name of the person on the invoicing address. |
InvoicingLastName | String (max. 40 characters) | An empty string | Customer’s last name. This is used also as a last name of the person on the invoicing address. |
InvoicingAddressLine1 | String (max. 40 characters) | An empty string | The line of the invoicing address that appears below customer’s name. Usually contains a street name and an ordinal number of the building. |
InvoicingAddressLine2 | String (max. 40 characters) | An empty string | The line of the invoicing address that appears below customer’s name. Usually contains a street name and an ordinal number of the building. |
InvoicingZip | String (max. 6 characters) | An empty string | The ZIP on the invoicing address. |
InvoicingCity | String (max. 30 characters) | An empty string | The city on the invoicing address. |
IsInvoicingEditable | Boolean | False | Whether the customer can edit the attributes related to invoicing address manually. |
DeliveryFirstName | String (max. 40 characters) | An empty string | First name of the person on the delivery address. |
DeliveryLastName | String (max. 40 characters) | An empty string | Last name of the person on the delivery address. |
DeliveryAddressLine1 | String (max. 40 characters) | An empty string | The line of the delivery address that appears below customer’s name. Usually contains a street name and an ordinal number of the building. |
DeliveryAddressLine2 | String (max. 40 characters) | An empty string | The line of the delivery address that appears below customer’s name. Usually contains a street name and an ordinal number of the building. |
DeliveryZip | String (max. 6 characters) | An empty string | The ZIP on the delivery address. |
DeliveryCity | String (max. 30 characters) | An empty string | The city on the delivery address. |
IsDeliveryEditable | Boolean | False | Enabling/disabling checkbox visibility for delivery address. |
UseDifferentDeliveryAddress | Boolean | False | The initial state of the “Same delivery address” checkbox on the check-out form. |
Items | Class List of Items | None. Must be specified | A list of items representing the individual rows on an invoice. Individual items may have a negative value but the total sum of all items must be positive. |
LoyaltyNumber | String | An empty string | Can be a number of a customer’s membership card. |
ProductGroup | String | An empty string | String that defines the product category. |
OrderReference | String | An empty string | Merchant custom ID reference. |
ReleasedByName | String | An empty string | |
PartnerCode | String | ||
DefaultPaymentMethod | Enumeration PaymentMethod | Loan | A payment method to pre-select when the check-out form is shown for the first time. |
OfferRecPmt | Boolean | false | |
PreSelectRecPmt | Boolean | false | |
CustomerToken | String | An empty value | CustomerToken is a key associated with customer details. |
HideCustomerDetails | Boolean | false | Feature which allows hide customer details. |
CompanyName | String | An empty string | |
Emailinvoice | Decimal | ||
OfferNewsLetter | Boolean | false | |
PaymentTerms | String | true | Number of interest free periods, 6,12,24,36 month. |
SendTermsAndConditions | Boolean | false | If set Avarda will email terms and conditions to the customers email. |
AccountClassCode | String | An empty value | Used to specify specific campaign. |
The class represents a single row that appears on an invoice. Typically a purchased commodity but it can also be a more abstract think such as a discount with a negative value.
Example request
Output parameters
Name | Data Type | Description |
ExternalId | String | An ID acquired when initializing a Check-Out session. |
AccountNumber | Decimal | The bank account number associated with the payment. |
FirstName | String | Customer’s first name. This is used also as a first name of the person on the invoicing address. |
LastName | String | Customer’s last name. This is used also as a last name of the person on the invoicing address. |
RequireDeliveryAuthorization | Boolean | |
CreditLimit | Decimal |
Return Value
Error messages
Error message |
Address (in delivery address) must be between 0 and 40 characters. |
Address (in invoicing address) must be between 0 and 40 characters. |
Address (in invoicing address) should not be empty. |
Amount can’t be empty! |
Checkout site is not allowed to work with B2b. |
City (in delivery address) must be between 0 and 30 characters. |
City (in invoicing address) must be between 0 and 30 characters. |
City (in invoicing address) should not be empty. |
Customer Token is not valid. |
Description must be between 0 and 4000 characters. |
E-mail is not a valid email address. |
E-mail must be between 0 and 60 characters. |
E-mail should not be empty. |
EmailInvoice must be equal 0, 1 or empty |
Identification Number should not be empty. |
Invalid or not supported UserLanguageCode. |
Item Amount must be specified. |
Item description must be specified and must not be longer than 35 characters or empty. |
Item notes must not be longer than 35 characters. |
Items List must contain at least one item. |
Name (in delivery address) must be between 0 and 40 characters. |
Name (in invoicing address) must be between 0 and 100 characters. |
Name (in invoicing address) must be between 0 and 40 characters. |
Name (in invoicing address) should not be empty. |
Number of notes characters exceeded |
Order Reference should not be empty. |
Payment Terms should not be empty. |
Phone Number must be between 0 and 15 characters. |
Phone should not be empty. |
Price must be either 0 (in case of no items), or greater than or equal to 0 and greater than or equal to sum of item prices. |
Price should not be empty. |
Site has no invoice account class associated. |
SSN is invalid. |
TermsAndConditionsUrl is not in valid format |
The items amount can have a maximum of 2 decimal places. |
The items tax amount can have a maximum of 2 decimal places. |
The payment term is invalid. |
The price can have a maximum of 2 decimal places. |
Total price is not equal to sum of item prices |
ZIP (in delivery address) must be between 0 and 10 characters. |
ZIP (in invoicing address) must be between 0 and 10 characters. |
ZIP (in invoicing address) should not be empty. |