External payment methods as PayPal is supported. Avarda will display the payment option in the checkout, when used the end customer is redirected back to merchant page were the purchase is completed using the merchants own integration towards PayPal.
New payment method is displayed, if PayPal method is enabled in administration. When PayPal payment method is completed in checkout, CheckoutState is set to PaymentHandledByMerchant and page is redirected to paypalUrl which was provided to us by merchant. If merchant doesn’t provide paypalUrl to us, console error will be shown.
Configuration in simple steps:
- Administration -> Checkout sites -> Enable PayPal checkbox
- Add handleExternalPaymentUrl to checkout script
- Provide PayPal redirect URL
//example of external payment function passed as part of the options for AvardaCheckOutClient.init function
var options = {
//when PayPal payment method is selected and payment is completed in checkout, this method is called
handleExternalPaymentUrl: function (purchaseId) {
window.location.href = paypalUrl;
PayPal payment panel should be displayed, if PayPal is enabled in Administration.