Checkout 2.0

Avarda checkout needs to be able to send a callback to Merchant. If a callback is discovered the checkout iframe needs to be reloaded (javascript:AvardaCheckoutClient.init()) with the same original purchaseId. Purchaseid is submitted as querystring parameter in the callback. CallbackURL is defined in the javascript option Querystring Parameters (purchaseId, callback, PaymentSatus).

Server side – Callback page

if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Callback) && (Callback.Equals("1") || Callback.Equals("2")))
    // Load iframe with original purchaseid submitted in the Querystring
    // no initializePurchase should be called
    // Callback == 1 then the callback is due to card payment
    // Callback == 2 then the callback is due to session cookie setting for safari
else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PaymentStatus) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Purchaseid))
    if (PaymentStatus.Equals("Success"))
        // Successful direct bank payment detected - redirect to done page.
        return RedirectToAction("Done", new { purchaseid = Purchaseid });
        // Unsuccessful direct bank payment -
        // Load iframe with the original purchaseid submitted in the querystring
        // no initializePurchase should be called
    // No callback detected - treat the request as a new purchase.
    // Call initializePurchase and get purchaseid

Java script – callback url

<script type="text/javascript">
  var url =
  // See IInitOptions interface for availible options.
  var options = {
    divId: 'CheckOutDiv',
    purchaseId: '@Html.Raw(Model.PurchaseID)',
    callbackUrl: url,
    done: function (purchaseId) {
      window.location.href =
    customCssUrl: '',
    replaceDefaultCss: false,
    redirectUrl: 'http://localhost:50423/home/',