POST /CheckOut2Api/GetInvoiceDetails
Returns detailed invoice information about a single purchase identified by a Purchase ID. Intended use is for merchants that wants to print and distribute their own invoices.
Input Parameters
Name | Data Type | Default value | Description |
PurchaseId | String | None. Must be specified | The ID obtained during the negotiation phase that identified the purchase. |
Example request
"PurchaseId": "19ac0d1ee909c302d212b4324d9194b5"
Output parameters
The method returns invoice details for merchants that wants to print and distribute their invoices them selfs. Method returns values for completed purchases with payment type Invoice, Loan, Part Payment or Direct invoice.
Name | Data Type | Description | Invoice | Loan | Card payment | Direct payment |
PurchaseID | String | Unique key to the purchase. | ||||
InvoicingFirstName | String | The first name of the customer on the invoicing address. | ||||
InvoicingLastName | String | The last name of the customer on the invoicing address. | ||||
InvoicingAddressLine1 | String | The first line of the invoicing address. | ||||
InvoicingAddressLine2 | String | The second line of the invoicing address. | ||||
InvoicingZip | String | The ZIP code on the invoicing address. | ||||
InvoicingCity | String | The city on the invoicing address. | ||||
Completed | String | Date and time for completed checkout purchase. | ||||
TotalAmount | Decimal | Invoice Amount | ||||
State | Enumeration CheckOutPurchaseState | The current state of the purchase. | ||||
TotalAuthorizedAmount | Decimal | TotalAutorizedAmount inclusive eventual tolerance. | ||||
MinimumAmountToPay | Decimal | Minimum amount to pay. Customer will be rolled over to account. | ||||
DueDate | DateTime | invoice due date | ||||
InvoiceDate | DateTime | invoice issued date | ||||
BankAccount | String | Avarda bank account where to pay the invocie. | ||||
DebitItems | Class List of Items | Purchase items | ||||
CreditItems | Class List of Items | Credit / return items | ||||
AliasAccount | String | PaymentReference for double invocie | ||||
AccountNumber | String | PaymentReference | ||||
Receiver | String | Payment receiver – Avarda |
Response Value example
"PurchaseId": "22d27ed7947d3b8ba3d122fe581c9f7b",
"State": 2,
"InvoicingFirstName": "FirstName",
"InvoicingLastName": "LastName",
"InvoicingAddressLine1": "InvoiceAddreeLine1",
"InvoicingAddressLine2": "InvoiceAddreeLine2",
"InvoicingZip": "65226",
"InvoicingCity": "City",
"Completed": "2019-08-30T13:20:32.177",
"TotalAmount": 10.55,
"TotalAuthorizedAmount": 31.84,
"MinimumAmountToPay": 70.0,
"BankAccount": "475 20 04-4",
"DueDate": "2019-09-29T13:20:54.297",
"InvoiceDate": "2019-08-30T13:20:54.297",
"AccountNumber": "123456789",
"AliasAccount": "123456789",
"Receiver": "Avarda",
"DebitItems": [
"Description": "Description",
"Notes": "Notes",
"Amount": 10.55,
"TaxCode": null,
"TaxAmount": 10.45
"CreditItems": []