Authorization API
API reference
Part Payment

Part Payment is an option with fixed payment plan which is set when account is created. Customer has the possibility to pay out the existing amount anytime without extra costs.


POST /authorization/part-payment


In addition to credit authorization common properties the request body contains following part payment specific properties:

NameData TypeMandatory/Default ValueDescription
PaymentTermsIntMandatoryNumber of payments to repay the loan (i.e. duration of the Loan - 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 or 72 months)
SendTermsAndConditionsBooleanOptional, falseIf set to true Avarda will send terms and conditions to the customer's email
AccountClassCodeIntMandatoryThe account to be used


  "customer": {
    "identificationNumber": 193404016234,
    "userLanguageCode": 246,
    "phone": "0705485413",
    "email": ""
   "invoicingAddress": {
     "firstName": "Ove",
     "lastName": "Lindahl",
     "addressLine1": "Åsögatan 56",
     "city": "Stockholm",
     "zip": "11829"
   "deliveryAddress": {
     "firstName": "Parvaneh",
     "lastName": "Kourosh",
     "addressLine1": "Åsögatan 58",
     "city": "Stockholm",
     "zip": "11830",
     "country": "Sweeden"
  "items": [
      "description": "Beach shirt",
      "amount": 100,
      "taxAmount": 12
      "description": "Travel shorts",
      "amount": 200,
      "taxAmount": 24
  "useDifferentDeliveryAddress": true,
  "orderReference": "ST-3242-239",
  "posId": "A35",
  "idValidationCallbackUrl" : "",
  "paymentTerms": 36,
  "sendTermsAndConditions" : true,
  "accountClassCode": 1782


For the format and examples see responses for all credit authorizations