Cancel an authorized order
This method allows partners to cancel payments. A call to this method should be performed after authorization. For Invoices and loans, the reserved credit amount will be removed. For cards and direct bank, a refund will be performed for the authorized amount.
API endpoint
POST /authorization/{id}/cancel
Input Parameters
Name | Data Type | Default Value | Description |
ID | String | None. Must be specified. | AuthorizationID acquired from direct-invoice, invoice, loan or part-payment |
reason | String | None. Must be specified. | Reason for cancelling payment. |
Example request
Return Value
If successful, the method returns an HTTP status code 200 (OK) with no additional content.
Not successful, the method returns an HTTP status code 422 with an error description in the body.
Error Messages
CancelAuthorization denied – PurchaseOrder, ReturnOrder or RefundOrder was already called No authorization found Operation denied – ExternalId is incorrect. Invalid or missing external ID